Hello my fellow coffee lovers!
I am here today to tell you about my trick to saving some money (and calories!) by making the “Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice” at home!
Here are the materials I will be using:
- Espresso Machine: Delonghi (exact machine linked here, similar/less expensive version linked here)
- Contigo Cup from Amazon (3 pack linked here (AWESOME deal, btw!); single, similar cup linked here)
- Glass Mug (linked here; similar linked here)
- Starbucks Blonde Roast (linked here)
- Further Food Collagen Peptides (travel packets linked here, tub linked here)
Step 1: Prep your espresso machine
Make sure your machine is clean, has water, and is warmed up!

Step 2: Fill the 2 shot espresso cup with your choice of grounds!
My favorite is the Starbucks Blonde Roast, but I will use pretty much anything!
Make sure to fill the cup and then press it down evenly/make it compact.
Bonus tip: lay out a towel or paper towel for easier clean up afterwards – I am not sure about you but I usually get grounds everywhere!

Step 3: Place your grounds and start the machine!
Make sure to twist the handle tight so that no extra water comes out of the sides – we want all the water to filter through the grounds or else your espresso shots will be super watery!
Stop the water flow once the foam/espresso fills the cup. I will this cup all the way to the top, which would be between 3-4 espresso shots. Fun fact: the “Starbucks Doubleshot” is actually 3 shots!

Step 4: Start building your drink!
If you use collagen, now is the time to add it to your hot espresso shot so that it fully dissolves.
Add ice to a cup with a lid (that you can shake) or a drink shaker. Now pour your espresso into the cup!
Add any sweetener to the cup of ice and espresso now!

Step 5: Shake shake, shake shake, shake it!
Put the lid on your cup/shaker and start shaking the ice, espresso, and other add in’s you used! I usually just shake until I can feel the coffee is cool/cold (no science here!)

Step 6: Add milk of your choice!
I love almond milk so I add it until the drink is to the brim of the cup (depending on how much milk you like and on the size of your cup; I would say this is the size of a grande cup, so using the brim works well for me)!

Step 7: Clean your machine and enjoy your coffee!
Cleaning your machine is very important in order to keep it running! Remove and dispose the coffee grounds, clean out the handle and wipe down the machine as a whole so that the next time you go to use it, it is clean and ready to go!

Let me know if you try this out, I would love to know what you think!