Grab your coffee, it’s time to meet McKenna

Hello There! 

Thank you for accepting my invitation for a coffee date, I am so glad you are here! It has been a minute (aka a YEAR – oops) since I first started to try out the blogging scene, but I am back and more ready than ever! Over the past year, I have been a little busy; I continued to work full-time at a local Seattle hospital, graduated with my Master’s Degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, drank LOTS of coffee, and got married! 2018 was good to me, to say the least!

The #1 reason I wanted to start this blog was to be a participating member of the blogger community and be a part of a space that is so supportive and collaborative. Even something as simple as commenting an encouraging phrase on someone’s photo can make their day a little brighter, so of course I want to be a part of that! I not only want to continue to learn from others, but also share anything that I have learned about life in return. We are all here just finding our way through life, so why not help each other out along the way?? 

My goals for Coffee with McKenna in 2019 are to:

  • Show what life is like for me in the Emerald City (Seattle, WA) 
  • Share learnings from my experiences (grad school, wedding, etc.) 
  • Find cute, easy, and affordable outfits that anyone can wear
  • Continue to drink lots of coffee

Please also follow me on instagram (@coffeewithmckenna), and subscribe on here! Make sure to comment a “hi!” below so that I can follow you too 🙂 I am so excited that you stopped by! 
